Membership Benefits:
- Participate in group events: restaurant dinners, lectures, and more.
- Receive discounts at local vegetarian and veg-friendly businesses.
- Subscribe to our E-mail announcement list and Facebook group.
- Meet other vegetarians and share your experiences.
- Promote vegetarianism through educational projects in the community.
To join, print the membership form below and mail with your cheque to:
Winnipeg Vegetarian Association
#242 – 3336 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3K 2H9
Memberships are BY DONATION and due for renewal October 31 (at least 3 months):
Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
E-address: ____________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
My Donation: $________________
(Sorry donations are not tax-deductible)
Yes, please add me to the WVA …
[ ] Event Announcements E-mail List
[ ] Facebook Group
I am: [ ] Vegan [ ] Lacto/ovo Veg [ ] Not Yet Veg
Veg*n for how long? ______________________
I’d like to help with WVA activities …
[ ] Restaurant Outings [ ] Potlucks
[ ] Outreach/Educ. Events [ ] Member Discounts
[ ] Writing Articles [ ] Giving Presentations
[ ] Publicity [ ] Graphic Arts
[ ] Website [ ] Social Media
[ ] Other _______________________________________________
***** Please allow 3 to 4 weeks to receive your membership card *****
The WVA is a non-profit, volunteer-run association, not a registered charity.
Although we cannot issue charitable tax receipts, we gratefully acknowledge
your donation.